Description: Rezoned as The Preserves of West Chase, this property is approximately 7.72 acres located at 12320 Memorial Highway,
Tampa, Hillsborough County. It was zoned for development of 8 single family homes with lots sizes of at least 1/2 acre.
Location: Located in northwest Hillsborough County, it is on the south side of Memorial Highway, north of Hillsborough Ave. and
west of Countryway Blvd.
Access: Property access is directly on Memorial Highway.
Size: According to Hillsborough County Property Appraiser website, the land is 7.72 acres. Rezoning data reports the site has
3.93 acres up uplands, 3.02 wetlands, 1.25 wildlife habitat for a total area of 8.02 acres. Additional data shows the site is
7.72 acres. Lots 1-6 and 8 are approved for 1/2 acre size and lot 7 is approved for 1/3 acre size. Minimum width is 100, front yard is
25, minimum side yard is 10, minimum rear is 25. Ma...
25, minimum side yard is 10, minimum rear is 25. Maximum height is 35.
Zoning: PD - RZ 05-1622 NWH
Folio #: 004324-0000
Utilities: Hillsborough County Water and Sewer