Location: 1 mile east and 4 miles south of Shelton, NE. Parcel #1 located on the corner of 190th and W Lepin Road, while
Parcel #2 is located on the corner of S Wiseman Road and W Rainforth Road.
Description: Parcel #1 - SE1/4 (except improvement site located in the northeast) Section 19-T9N-R12W of the 6th P.M.,
Hall County, Nebraska. (Final legal description and acreage to be determined by survey)
Parcel #2 - S1/2 SW1/4 Section 19-T9N-R12W of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
Description: Parcel #1 - Total acreage is approximately 154.0 acres. Farm consists of good quality pivot irrigated
cropland with gravity irrigated and dry crop corners.
Parcel #2 - Hall County Assessor indicates a total of 77.0 acres. Farm consists of good quality gravity
irrigated cropland.
Farm Service Agency
Information: Parcel #1 - Total estimated cropland - 150.0 ...
Information: Parcel #1 - Total estimated cropland - 150.0 acres
Government Base Acres: Corn 139.3 acres with a PLC yield of 157 bu/acre
Parcel #2 - Total cropland - 75.4 acres
Government Base Acres: Corn 74.6 acres with a PLC yield of 140 bu/acre
All cropland is considered non-highly erodible by the NRCS.
Parcel #1 - North Well South Well
Well Registration G023490 G023489
Completion Date 4/28/1959 at 1,000 gpm 6/22/1959 at 1,000 gpm
Well Depth 53 53
Static Water Level 9 6
Pumping Level 25 25
Column 8 8
Pump Western Land Roller Western Land Roller
Power Unit U S Electric 40 hp electric motor Chevy 6 cylinder, propane
Cutler Hammer control panel Amarillo 80 hp gearhead
Pivot Reinke Model E2065, 7 tower,
purchased (Nov) 2013
Irrigation Pipe 2,370 feet of 8 inch plastic irrigation pipe
(North well is located on excepted out improvement site. Buyer will be given use of
irrigation well for crop irrigation purposes for the life of the irrigation well.)
Parcel #2
Well Registration G008760
Completion Date 7/20/1966 at 1,000 gpm
Well Depth 50
Static Water Level 5
Pumping Level 21
Column 8
Pump Western Land Roller, belt driven
Power Unit 15 hp electric motor
Irrigation Pipe 3,720 feet of 8 inch plastic and aluminum irrigation pipe
Natural Resource District
Information: Farm is located in the Central Platte Natural Resource District and contains the following
certified irrigated acres:
Parcel #1 - 146.56
Parcel #2 - 75.4
Soils: Soils consist primarily of Class II and III Lamo, Janude, Caruso, and Alda loams, and silt loams, with slopes
of 0-1%, along with a minor amount of Class IV Platte-Bolent Complex.
RE Taxes: Parcel #1 - Real Estate Tax Estimated at $9,500.00
Parcel #2 - 2015 Real Estate Tax - $5,847.02
List Price: Parcel #1 - $1,320,000.00
Parcel #2 - $ 622,000.00
Comments: This is a highly productive, well maintained farm located in a strong farming community.