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CR 175 & CR AA, Hale County

Farm land is in the CRP grassland program for one more year and expires on September 30, 2010. There are 284.91 acres of land enrolled in the CRP program. The per acre payment is $42.10 per acre for an annual payment of $11,995. The grass cover has a very thick stand on all of the acres. The lay of the land is mostly good with a low lying area that is located on the North boundary toward the NW corner of the farm. There is a good fence on the North boundary of the farm but this belongs to the adjoining farm owners and will not be a part of the purchase of this farm. There is not any fencing around the perimeter of the other boundaries of the property. There is one submersible well on the East side of the property. There is electricity to this well and can also be used for a hot wire fence for cattle grazing. Also, there is an old partial windmill still standing in this same area. It is a...

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To get to this location go South 8.6 miles from the intersection of Highway 70 and FM 400 in Plainview, Texas. This will take you to CR 175, just next to 400 Gin and then turn East on the dirt road and go 3 miles South to CR AA and turn South 1/2 mile and this will be at the NE corner of the farm on the West side of the road. This property is 1/2 mile North to South and 1 mile East to West.

Note: There is signage and steel posts on the Northeast and Southeast boundary corners. There is not a county road on the West side of the property or on the South end of the property.

Also, arrangements can be made to drive around to see the West side and the South side of the farm.

Contact Seller
Billington Real Estate

Plainview, TX

(806) 602-8624

Provided By

Billington Real Estate, (806) 602-8624
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