Folks, here is that quarter section of native northern Oklahoma pasture you have been looking for. Sitting on a corner with multiple access points and gates, this 160 +/- acres gives you lots of options. The good perimeter fences will keep the cows home and the multiple cross-fences allow for easy rotational grazing. A full pond in the center gives cattle a water source from any of the six paddocks. There is a corral on the east side for loading and working the herd. Use it like it is, or improve a couple pens with Bermuda or seasonal crops.
Property Features
-Easy access
-Great fencing
-Ample water source
-Healthy native grasses
-Multiple pens for rotational grazing
-Hunting opportunities
-Easy improvement options
-Low taxes
-Multiple build sites
-Dividable investment
From Renfrow, OK: Go 1.25 miles west, then 3 miles north. The property is on the northeast corner.