Size: 329 Acres

329 Acres in Cologne, TX - $468,825

Property is located in the eastern part of Goliad County about three-fourths mile south of Cologne on the paved Cologne Road.

Ag Use: Grazing for cattle. Owner currently runs about 65 head.

Vegetation: Native grasses and brush including a few oak motis, mesquite and huisache. Small acreage of Coastal Bermuda grass intermingled with native grasses near the water tank.

Hunting: Very good deer and turkey hunting. Also some duck, dove and small game hunting. Property is leased for the 2002 dear season.

Water: There is one domestic water well with a submersible pump near the entrance of the property and one windmill near the center of said tract. There is one cement cistern and two water troughs. A tank t hat holds water year round is located about 300 yeards from the windmill. One well was drilledc about 5 yrears ago with the other well being drilled about 15 years ago. Both wells are...

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