LOCATION: From the intersection of Highway 4 and the main street (Broad Street) in Campbell, Nebraska, travel north 1 mile (northeastern Franklin County, Nebraska).
DESCRIPTION: The Southeast Quarter (SE ) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Four (4) North, Range Thirteen (13) West of the 6th P.M., Franklin County, Nebraska [160.01 tax-assessed acres].
COMMENTS: This center-pivot irrigated farm with blacktop access is within one mile of a CPI elevator location.
TAXES: 2017 Real Estate Tax - $4,759.86
DISTRICT: This farm is located in the Lower Republican NRD and contains 129.8 certified irrigated acres.
LIST PRICE: $785,000.00
INFORMATION: Well Registration: G-074316 Completion Date: 4/24/1975
Well Depth: 200 feet Static Water Level: 105 feet
Pumping Level: 140 feet Gallons/Minute: 900 gpm
Pivot: 10-tower T-L Gearhead: US Motors
Power Unit: Ge...
Power Unit: General MotorsNatural Gas V-8 (454 cu. in.)
DESCRIPTION: This farm has good production capability and has terrain ranging from nearly level to rolling. It comes with a newer natural gas power unit and older pivot. The farm also has a water hydrant for livestock water, connected to the
Village of Campbell on the southern edge of the property.
SOILS: Primarily Holdrege and Uly soils.
LEASE: This farm is available for possession for the 2018 farming season following the tenants rights to graze
stalks this winter.
INFORMATION: Government Base Acres: Wheat18.45 PLC Yields: Wheat37
(projected) Corn66.55 Corn123
Grain Sorghum3.87 Grain Sorghum65
Soybeans37.3 Soybeans44