Location: 1 mile north and 1/2 mile east of Naponee
or 4 miles west of Bloomington on county
gravel road. (Located at the corner of
G Road and 23 Road)
Description: SE1/4 Section 33-T2N-R16W of the
6th P.M., Franklin County, Nebraska.
Description: Kearney County Assessor indicates a total of 160.22 acres. Farm consists of dry cropland, pasture,
and a rural improvement site.
Improvements: 988 sq.ft. single story house and miscellaneous out buildings.
Farm Service Agency
Information: Total Cropland - 82 acres
Government Base Acres - Grain Sorghum 68.7 acres at 71 bu/acre; Wheat 12.6 acres at 40 bu/acre;
Soybeans .7 acres at 35 bu/acre (yields are for both direct and counter cyclical payments) All
cropland is considered non-highly erodible by the NRCS.
Soils: Cropland soils consist primarily of Class II Holdrege silt loam, slopes...
Soils: Cropland soils consist primarily of Class II Holdrege silt loam, slopes of 0-1%. Pasture slopes of 3-30%.
Taxes: 2011 Real Estate Tax - $2,446.70
List Price: $500,000.00 Cash
Comments: Property offers good access with very productive dry cropland and excellent fertility ratings.
Pasture is newly fenced with good grass cover and livestock water provided by the improvement
site well and a natural spring.