The Rockin R Ranch
316 +/- Acres
Foard County, TX
The Rockin R Ranch in northern Foard County, Texas offers a good mixture of ranching and hunting to the owner. The ranch has lots of water, with four ponds and a seasonal creek, as well as excellent ground cover and brush.
This property is a fully equipped cattle ranch and has extensive cross-fencing for easy rotation. Approximately 70 acres on the north side has been cleared of brush and is in improved grasses. The ranch has a set of metal working pens and a small metal hay shed just off of this pasture. There is a long alleyway leading to the pens used to hold cattle when they are being gathered.
The four ponds, or water tanks, are scattered throughout the pastures and well situated along washes to maximize the rainfall they can catch. The seasonal Mule Creek winds through the heart of the Rocking R for over one mile. This creek...
The four ponds, or water tanks, are scattered throughout the pastures and well situated along washes to maximize the rainfall they can catch. The seasonal Mule Creek winds through the heart of the Rocking R for over one mile. This creek is one of the main tributaries to the Pease River in Foard County, and as such, funnels a tremendous amount of water during the fall and spring wet seasons. Even in summer droughts, though, Mule Creek will still hold pockets of water down its channel.
The terrain is mainly flat, with a long draw/slope following the creek in the middle. To the north, there is a nice view of the four Medicine Mounds, an unmistakable natural landmark in the area that protrudes above the horizon.
The bulk of the ranch has dense mesquite cover, and there are some hackberry trees along the creek. Lots of sunflowers are in in the native pasture land, as well as ragweed and other seed bearing plants. The native grasses include switch, grama, bluestem, and coastal. The ranch has not been grazed in over a year, and the native vegetation is very lush.
This area of Foard County is abundant in whitetail deer and feral hog. Tracks and trails of both animals run all throughout the property; you can't walk far without coming across one. A large wheat field borders the ranch on its north side, which pulls game across the property to it. We have seen a few bobwhites and lots of dove on the ranch too. The Rockin R has a good balance of thickets, cover, and open meadows, perfect for bow and rifle hunting. Supplimented by the four water tanks and creek, it is a natural habitat for native wildlife.
Asking Price: $1250/acre
Call land agent Beau Byars at cell phone (940) 224-3183 for more details about this property.