Legal Description
All of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Twenty-six (26) South, Range Thirty-one (31) West of the Sixth P.M., Finney County (Except an 8 Acre Tract)
West Half of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Twenty-six (26) South, Range Thirty-one (31) West of the Sixth P.M., Finney County
Description of Land
This tract consists of 952 total acres, of which approximately 750 acres are irrigated and the remaining 202 acres are in dry land corners.
Water Rights
This tract is governed by Water Right 23,788, Water Right 9,517, Water Right 22,138 and Water Right 13,279.
Buyer shall get immediate possession following the 2020 fall harvest.
This tract is selling with the surface and water rights only.
2019 Real Estate Taxes
Asking Price
$1,904,000 or $2,000 Per Acre ( Seller will split the farm up and sell it by the quarter.)