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75 Acres in Flatonia, TX - $525,000

** Huge Price Reduction ** A vintage Texas homestead, including a German style ranch house and numerous Texas style barns, sitting atop a high hill overlooking the rolling countryside of Praha. This property is covered primarily with live oaks and a scattering of cedar and yaupon. The home has been appropriately and very selectively restored, with attention to making the interior functional, i.e, indoor plumbing, electrical, and a charming cooking area, but still retaining as closely as possible the interior as it would been in an earlier time. The exterior cypress siding has all be renailed, and all windows reglazed with most of the antique glass remaining. The house has 4 fireplaces and all have been cleaned and are safe to burn. The fireplace in the kitchen has been used for cooking with the screen intact for roasting, etc… The big room has a fireplace at either end and the bedroom ha...

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