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This is a great area for Camping with tents, RVs, or campers. The old building is made out of stone and timber workings and was an old bunk house from what we are able to figure out about the listing. The roads to this 20 acre Placer Claim are in good shape and easily passable. This gem of a Placer Claim is located near Lida Nevada. It is legally filed with the Federal Government and the County. This is in the same Section as the Log Springs Claim, which is a significant Claim in our Gold History. This listing was more then likely part of the original mining camp, as the building is there and adjacent is an old bunk house on another Claim. In this Section in recent times a sampling of the ground was taken and demonstrated that there is significant amounts of Placer Gold. This claim encompasses 20.66 acre with the structure within the Claim. As you can see on the map, there is a creek and...

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ATR Real Property Holdings, LLC

Gainesville, FL

(352) 320-5534

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ATR Real Property Holdings, LLC, (352) 320-5534
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