Located in southwestern Edwards county
Less than two miles off US377
Two points of access to ranch on western and southern sides
Beautiful, gentle rolling terrain
Red Bluff creek sweeps through property carving out scenic rock outcroppings
Numerous dry creek beds create thoroughfare for game to travel
Good soil for food plots in valleys
Miles upon miles of internal roads allow access to all parts of ranch
Cleared areas for blinds and feeders
Working water well with electric, submersible pump
Electricity runs east-west through the ranch and north-south along the western boundary
Perimeter fenced 4ft, like-new livestock fencing on southern boundary, most other fences in good condition
Hunting in area is excellent! Abundant game includes whitetail, turkey, hog, axis, aoudad, elk, and a variety of other rams
This ranch has been in the same family since the early 1900s