2,968SF Residential Duplex
Sells ABSOLUTE, without reserveregardless of price!
289/291 West Main St, Danville, VA 24541
1 block from Averett University
Natural gas & electricity are individually metered to each apartment, and each apartment has central air.
Agent on Site
Wednesday, October 28 (12-2pm)
Wednesday, November 4 (12-2pm)
other times by appointment
Sale Managers:
Pete Ramsey
Bill Bryant, CAI, AARE
Terms: A bidders deposit of $7,500 will be required in cash or certified check at time of sale; and balance of Contract Sale Price shall be due within thirty days of sale date by wire transfer, cash, or cashiers check. A buyers premium of 5% of the sales price will be added by the auctioneer and retained by the auctioneer as additional commissions. Potential buyers must perform such independent investigations with respect to property as they deem necessary to verify information p...
Terms: A bidders deposit of $7,500 will be required in cash or certified check at time of sale; and balance of Contract Sale Price shall be due within thirty days of sale date by wire transfer, cash, or cashiers check. A buyers premium of 5% of the sales price will be added by the auctioneer and retained by the auctioneer as additional commissions. Potential buyers must perform such independent investigations with respect to property as they deem necessary to verify information provided by the auction company and/or seller. All information provided by the auction company and/or seller is deemed reliable but not warranted. All property is being sold as is without representations or warranties of any kind or nature. Full terms available online and displayed on day of the auction. VAAF93
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