BORDERING PUBLIC LAND!! Bring your horses! Listed by Eric Lewis 605-440-1055. Here is the perfect homesite on over 11 acres! Mostly meadow with scattered trees and a small ravine running through the middle. Several great building sites! This lot is in the Elk Mountain Ranches subdivision and borders 480 acres of state land that is open to public use. Plenty of deer, antelope and turkey with the occasional elk herd passing through. Great views of Elk Mountain range from every spot on the property. There are light covenants in place to protect your investment. Less than a mile and a half from thousands of acres of National forest to fulfill all your recreational needs. Located between Custer and Newcastle Wyoming, this is the perfect secluded spot for your next home/ cabin.
From Custer head west on Hwy 16 for24miles. Turn left on Dewey Rd for 3 miles. Turn left on Valley Rd. Go 1 mile and property is on the left.