Location: 12 1/2 miles north and 2 miles west of Arnold, Nebraska.
Description: All of Section 7; N1/2 NE1/4 and SE1/4 NE1/4 Section 18; all in T19N-R25W of the 6th P.M., Custer County, Nebraska.
Acres: 755.9 tax assessed acres
Taxes: 2016 Real Estate Tax - $3,517
Land Use: Good quality sandhills rangeland.
Water: Water is provided by two windmills.
Lease: Subject to a 2017 cash lease.
Price: $625,000
Comments: Sandhills rangeland with good grass cover, fenced and has two livestock water sites.
Access provided by a trail road, alternative access prescribed by easement.
Contact: Brad Atkins; Listing Agent 308-530-9012
Tony Eggleston; Listing Agent 308-530-6200
Bryan Danburg, Bruce Dodson, Chase Dodson,
John Childears, Mike Polk
Agri AffiliatesProviding Farm, Ranch Real Estate Services