Live the way your want on your very own 5.12 acres in Costilla County, Colorado. Here, you can build, camp, explore, hike, fish, play, and enjoy yourself until your heart's content. If spending time outdoors is something you love, then this is the place for you. If you like to fish, the Mountain Home Reservoir is a mere 2.8 miles away. If you like to play and sand-surf, the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve is only 30.2 miles. If hiking is your thing, the Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range is a mere 34.7 miles. When you need supplies, you have your choice of towns: Fort Garland (4.2 miles), Blanca (8.8 miles), and San Luis (19.7 miles).
There are only two immediate neighbors, and with power poles just around the corner, building will be much easier and cheaper. The terrain is mostly flat, with a shallow slope towards the back and a possible seasonal rivulet; the ground is covere...
There are only two immediate neighbors, and with power poles just around the corner, building will be much easier and cheaper. The terrain is mostly flat, with a shallow slope towards the back and a possible seasonal rivulet; the ground is covered mainly with brush and shrubs. With only a few small trees, the gorgeous 360-views of Mount Blanca and the Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range are unobstructed and brilliant. You'll want a lot of windows!
We are open to owner financing as well - here is what that would look like:
- Total Money Down: $549($299 downpayment + $250 closing cost)
- Monthly: $265/month for 96 months
See Info below!
- Subdivision: Sangre de Cristo Ranches
- State: Colorado
- County: Costilla
- Zip:81133
- Size: 5.12
- Parcel: 70270060
- Legal Description: S.D.C.R. UNIT X BLK 184 LOT 3236 (231-234) CONT 5.005 AC (WD 266-340& 341)
- Approximate Lat/Long Coordinates:
372441.34N, 1052239.10W
372443.42N, 1052235.37W
372438.51N, 1052231.10W
372436.55N, 1052235.11W
- Annual Taxes: Approximately 230/year
- Zoning: Vacant Residential Lot
--- For a site built home, you need a 600sqft minimum footprint.
--- Mobile homes are Allowed.
--- You can camp for 14 days (every 3 months)
--- Temporary RV Occupancy permit available for up to 180 days if a well has been permitted or cistern installed and a septic or onsite waste management system has been installed ($250 fee - good for 60 days at a time while building, renewable).
--- Zoning office is open Monday through Thursday and can be contacted at (719) 672-9109 to answer any questions.
- HOA/POA: Yes, optional.
- Improvements: None
- Access: Romnes Rd
- Water: Would be by well or holding tank
- Sewer: Would be by septic
- Utilities: None on/near the property. Contact: Xcel Energy.
**Note: Information presented on this page is deemed accurate, but is not guaranteed. Buyer is advised to do their own due diligence**