Heavily wooded land for sale. Approx 21 acres being sold off of a larger tract, with more acreage available. Simple deed restrictions to maintain property values. Co-Op water line and electric line at the property with no meters in place. Seller has no mineral rights and there is some production on the property. HEAVILY wooded with post oak, cedar, hickory and more. 40' of elevation change from front to back of property. Shared access may be used for the existing driveway, or, buyer may choose to build their own entrance with approx 290' of road frontage on County Road 189. Beautiful property to build your home or cabin, and enjoy the forest, far away from the cities. Whitetail deer, turkey, and wild hog can be found on the property. Information is assumed to be reliable, but is to be verified by buyer.
Located .9 miles north of FM 2896 on CR 189 near the town of Callisburg in north we...
Located .9 miles north of FM 2896 on CR 189 near the town of Callisburg in north western Cooke County TX. Please do NOT enter the property without an appointment.