Size: 66 acres
Elevation: 400 to 780 Feet
Zoning: AF
This 66 acre timber tracts are located south of the small community of Olney, along Highway 202, Nehalem Highway, which is a major route between Highway 26 and Astoria, and provides access to log markets in Astoria, Tillamook, Mist, and Forest Grove.
The 66 acre tract contains an estimated 2,503 MBF, and is located two miles south of Auction Property 102, with frontage on the west side of Highway 202 near Slavic Church Camp. North Fork Klaskanine River bisects the northeast corner of the property. There is gated entry road from Highway 202 North.
The timber ranges from 35 to 50 years-old, with 1,931 MBF of primarily Douglas-fir and western hemlock, and 576 MBF of red alder.
This irregular-shape tract has an estimated 10 acres of RMA, and north-facing, moderate slopes with a logging road running east to west.
Lewis & Clark...
Lewis & Clark Tree Farms is adjoining owner to the south and west, with Slavic Church Camp to the east, and private owner to the northwest corner. Lewis & Clark Tree Farms has a spur road and landing in the southwest corner.
Sealed bids due November 13, 2024.