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Graysonia Mill Pond Tract Clark County

The Graysonia Mill Pond tract is a piece of Arkansas timber history as well as an outstanding timber/recreational/hunting property. The tract is the site of the original company town of Graysonia along with the sawmill owned by the Ozan-Graysoina Lumber Company. The sawmill, at its heyday during World War I, produced over 150,000 board feet of southern yellow pine lumber and the town supported over 1,000 inhabitants. Several hundred homes, a restaurant, several cafes, three hotels and a large sawmill complex dotted the one square mile which made up Graysonia. The Memphis Dallas and Gulf railroad traversed the mountains and eased along the bluffs overlooking the Antoine River. The original rail bed is still usable and provides access through the western portion of the tract providing a sienic atv ride. The mature natural stands of pine, white oak and red oak along with the plantation pin...

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