Castro 1610 acres
State: Texas
Region: Panhandle
County: Castro
Property Type: Irrigated Farm
Acres: 1610 +/- acres more or less
Price: $4,200.00 per acre
Taxes: $ 7,060 (approximate)
Location: 1 mile south of Dimmitt
This farm is located one mile south of Dimmitt and consists of approximately 1610 acres. It is offered for sale as a whole or in four separate tracts.
CR 513 N/2 Section. This tract is the north half of Section 20 with CR 616 on the north and CR 513 on the east. There are two -mile Valley center-pivot sprinkler systems each nozzled for 500 gpm which can be operated at the same time. One sprinkler is a 1989 model and the other a 1992 model. Water is supplied by 8 wells with submersible electric pumps and motors connected by high-pressure underground line. Price: $4800 per acre.
CR 513 S/2 Section. This tract is the south half of Section 20 with CR 617 on t...
CR 513 S/2 Section. This tract is the south half of Section 20 with CR 617 on the south and CR 513 on the east. There is a 1997 Raincat -mile center-pivot sprinkler system nozzled for 800 gpm which wind shield wipes a half circle with its pivot point on the south. Water is supplied by 8 wells with submersible electric pumps and motors connected by high-pressure underground line. Price: $4100 per acre.
CR 616 Half Section. This tract is the west half of Section 21 with CR 616 on the north and CR 513 on the west. There are two -mile center-pivot sprinkler systems each nozzled for 800 gpm which can be operated one at a time. The north sprinkler is a 2018 Reinke and the south one is a 1992 Model 6000 Valley. Water is supplied by 10 wells with submersible electric pumps and motors connected by high-pressure underground line. Price: $4100 per acre.
CR 617 Section. This tract is Section 60 with CR 617 on the north and CR 513 on the east. There is a 1989 Valley -mile center-pivot sprinkler system nozzled for 1100 gpm. Water is supplied by 12 wells with submersible electric pumps and motors connected by high-pressure underground line. Price: $4100 per acre.
The wells on this farm are approximately 400 foot deep except those on the south which are approximately 30 feet shallower. The wells, pumps, underground line and pivots are all in good condition. The soils are mostly clay loam which are very productive. It is located in close proximity to a number of feedlots and dairies which provide both a market for grain and forage crops and a source of manure for fertilizer. This is an excellent farm which deserves your serious consideration.
The owner is willing to lease and continue to operate this farm.
1 mile south of Dimmitt