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Wooley Valley Ranch

This working cattle ranch has long been a fantastic hunting destination for the owner's family and friends. It is located in Idaho game management unit #76, which is long known as one of the premier archery elk and trophy bull units in the state. Trophy class mule deer and Shiras moose are also found here. Besides almost 1,400 deeded acres, this ranch fronts miles of Forest Service and BLM acres, giving immediate access to the popular Caribou National Forest. The owner's have developed numerous wells and springs on the ranch, plus they have created runoff ponds to supply constant water sources for the livestock and wildlife. The ranch is cross fenced for ease in dispersing cattle grazing. Less than 20 miles north of Soda Springs, Idaho.


Turn east at China Hat store, and go approximately 4 miles on Blackfoot River road. After passing the intersection of road to Enoch Valley, take next gravel road to east. After about 3 miles, you arrive at the ranch.


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Idaho Real Estate Group - Idaho

Malad, ID