403.721 acres +/ located in far south of Callahan County, about two miles north of Coleman County line. The ranch has been well kept and has lots of improvements including 180 ac +/ of cultivated farmland. New six wire barb wire fence with steel posts 15 feet apart with three cedar stays between each. Owner runs 3040 cowcalf pairs year round. Seven miles from Lake Coleman, 2030 minutes from Coleman, Baird, and Abilene.
LOCATION: From intersection of Hwy 36 and Hwy 283 eight point five miles south on Hwy 283 to FM 2926 west nine tenths of a mile to the gate on the south side of FM 2926. Green entrance gate with cedar post border. Keypad combo in office on data sheet or call listing agent for keypad combo.
ACRES:The property has 403.721 with 180 +/ acres cultivated.
TOPOGRAPHY: Flat to rolling with some draws and elevation changes.
RAINFALL & ELEVATION: The property has about 26 ...
RAINFALL & ELEVATION: The property has about 26 inches of rainfall per year on average.
WATER: The property has six surface tanks, water for livestock and game. 15,000 gallon capacity rain harvest system furnishes houses.
UTILITIES: Electricity
COVER: Mesquite and some Oaks, with Hackberry and Elm trees.
IMPROVEMENTS: Landscaped trees, brush control, new fences, RV hookups, metal barn for parties or entertaining with bar and big screen televisions. Barn has three bedroom, three bath apartment living quarters, also upstairs apartment with shower, utility room with washer/dryer, tool room, and large upstairs storage area.
RESIDENCE: The property has a three bedroom, three bath apartment in barn and remodeled mobil home for bunkhouse; also has two RV hookups with water and electricity and septic systems.
FENCES: Mostly new six wire barb, steel post 15 feet apart with three cedar stays between.
HUNTING & WILDLIFE: Some of the best whitetail hunting in Big Country, very good dove, turkey, feral hog and Bob White quail.
MINERALS: None to convey
PRICE PER ACRE: The property is priced at $3,715 per acre for a total price of $1,500,000.