- 1-25 of 38 Listings
5154 Indian Gulch Road, Catheys Valley, CA, 95306, Mariposa County
25443 Mesa Grande Road, Santa Ysabel, CA, 92070, San Diego County
10210 Excelsior Avenue, Hanford, CA, 93230, Kings County
15216 Quartz Valley Drive, Fort Jones, CA, 96032, Siskiyou County
35793 Millwood Drive, Woodlake, CA, 93286, Tulare County
443-310 Olive Lane, Herlong, CA, 96109, Lassen County
19270 Eighmy Rd, Cottonwood, CA, 96022, Tehama County
37007 El Tesoro Road, Ranchita, CA, 92066, San Diego County
8330 Shirley Road, Jackson, CA, 95642, Amador County
2636 Oak Woods Ct, Catheys Valley, CA, 95306, Mariposa County
5355 Hornitos Road, Catheys Valley, CA, 95306, Mariposa County
7277 Oat Hills Road, Browns Valley, CA, 95918, Yuba County
24006 Johns Drive, Porterville, CA, 93257, Tulare County
6440 Grizzly Flat Road, Fair Play, CA, 95684, El Dorado County
6920 Flat Creek Drive, Somerset, CA, 95684, El Dorado County
2392 Old Highway, Catheys Valley, CA, 95306, Mariposa County
41859 Island Rd., Fall River Mills, CA, 96028, Shasta County
23601 Ave 184, Strathmore, CA, 93257, Tulare County
4843 W. State Hwy. 140, Merced, CA, 95341, Merced County
16546 County Road 87, Esparto, CA, 95627, Yolo County
16500 Yorkville Ranch Rd, Yorkville, CA, 95494, Mendocino County
6671 Turkey Hollow Trail, Browns Valley, CA, 95918, Yuba County
3336 S. Soderquist Road, Turlock, CA, 95380, Stanislaus County
10371 Dolomite Ct, Rough And Ready, CA, 95975, Nevada County
13970 Clow Ridge Rd, Philo, CA, 95466, Mendocino County