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Tillable And CRP Farm In Brown Co MN

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Auction Date: 07/18/2024 Auction Time: 11:00 AM CT

Auction Venue Location: Springfield Community Center, 33 South Cass Ave., Springfield, MN 56087

Entire Farm Description:

This 154 acre **updated acreage** property is located in Section 34 of Northstar Township in western Brown County. The acreage is a traditional quarter section minus the building site and a one-acre parcel in the southeast corner. It is made up of 96.13 FSA Tillable acres with an additional 47.64 acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The CRP acres are comprised of two contracts. Contract #1 has 24.85 acres enrolled at $155.92 per acre or $3,875 annually and expires in 2034. Contract #2 has 22.79 acres enrolled at $145 per acre or $3,305 annually and expires in 2030. The tillable acres are under contract for the 2024 crop year. The property sits just south of t...

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Contact Seller
Whitetail Properties Real Estate

Sanborn, MN

(507) 430-8518