Legal Description is 40.223 acres being in CB 5080, P-22, P22C, P-22D and CB 5090, P-3C, P-3F, P-5, and P-6A, and 40.222 acres being CB 5080, P-22B, ABS 420, being 5.683 acres and CB 5090, P-29, ABS 739 being 34.539 acres.
A portion of the property generally within the 100 year floodplane is contained within a Soil Conservation Easement.
Based on earlier surveys, about 54.9 acres appears to be outside the 100 year floodplane.
Asking Price is $25,000 per net useable acre.
The property is located along the southeast side of Binz-Englemann Road between Foster Road and FM 1516.