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30 Acres in , TX - $175,000

LOCATION: This small productive tract fronts on La Vernia Rd. in delightfully rural, eastern Bexar County less than 3 miles from Loop 1604. Downtown San Antonio is a quick 20 minute drive to the west, and La Vernia is just 5 miles to the east. The surrounding area is comprised of similar sized and larger farms and ranchettes, some with very nice homes, most in agricultural use. Adjoiners include a manicured showplace to the north and hay producer’s lush, green pastures to the east and south.

This particular tract is the smallest piece in a 3 parcel subdivision of a parent 117 acre ranch. All 3 of these contiguous, subdivided parcels have sensible restrictions which include site-built housing and a restriction limiting further subdivision. These reasonable restrictions maintain the agricultural and aesthetic integrity of the area as well as protect property values.

LAND: The tract...

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