Bailey County, Texas
Location: The ranch is located west of Muleshoe, Texas.
Acres: 721.87 Acres, more or less
Terrain: The topography varies from fairly level flats to rolling and undulating sandy natured hills. Cover and vegetation are primarily sage, sumac and shin oak.
Water: The ranch is watered by one windmill and drinking trough that overflows into a nice catch pond.
Access: Access to the ranch is provided by paved highway frontage.
Hunting/Recreation: The ranch is located in area that is fairly rich in wildlife. Big mule deer are scattered over the property. Irrigated farmland is very close to the ranch, and seasonal wheat fields provide an excellent food source for the deer. Quail and dove are also common.
Remarks: This ranch is located in close proximity to Lubbock, and offers good livestock grazing and mule deer and quail hunting. This property has been used to hold bu...
Remarks: This ranch is located in close proximity to Lubbock, and offers good livestock grazing and mule deer and quail hunting. This property has been used to hold bulls, so fences should be adequate for cows or yearlings.
Price: $550.00 per acre
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