Here is an opportunity to buy a farm located in the "Golden Triangle" with a spacious, newly remodeled home, horse barn and numerous outbuildings. 173 acres with 68.55 untillable, 102.75 timber and 1.70 pasture. Walnut Fork creek meanders through the property providing perfect habitat for whitetail and turkey. Trail cam photos available of several 150" + bucks on this intensely managed farm. Additional acreage available. Most of farm enrolled in the CREP Program. Additional parcel
#'s 10-0-0288-000-00, 10-0-0294-001-00, 10-0-0296-000-00 & 10-0-298-000-00.
East on Hwy 104 to 5 Points. East on 1200th to 2900N. North approximately 2 miles to property.