Location: 6 miles south and 4 1/2 miles east of Alma, or 6 miles south
and 3 miles west of Republican City, Nebraska. (located 1 1/2
miles south of Harlan County Lake)
Description: NE1/4 Section 31-T1N-R17W of the 6th P.M., Harlan County,
Description: Harlan County Assessor indicates a total of 162.0 acres. Farm consists of good quality hardland pasture.
Water: Provided by a large dam, and a well equipped with a windmill.
Soils: Consists primarily of Coly, Uly, and Nuckolls silt loams, 11-30% slope, with a minor amount of Hobbs
silt loam, frequently flooded.
Taxes: 2009 Real Estate Taxes $1,017.67
List Price: $116,000 Cash
Comments: This is a productive hardland pasture with good border fencing and excellent livestock water availability.
(Farm sells subject to a cash farm lease which terminates February 16, 2012.)